George - Hypnosis

George's background

How and why George started practising the art of Hypnotherapy :

The common denominators throughout all of his professional experiences, including
- Clinical Hypnotherapist & Psychotherapist
- Language & Public Speaking Coach
- Director of Studies of the largest Language School in the South of Ireland for 7 years.
- Founder & Director of a Language coaching school in Paris (13 years)
have been Communication, Listening, and the deep desire to contribute to improving the lives of other people. Hence his true calling as a Hypnotherapist. He was quite fortunate to have been born into a family that practised meditation, so he began to meditate at the early age of 9. Throughout his twenties, he was also trained in various well-being & therapeutic practises, such as Bio-Energy and Spiritual Healing amongst others, but when he discovered hypnotherapy, he knew immediately that this was the art he wished to pursue, in conjunction with meditation and mindfulness. To devote his life to contributing to the happiness of other people is his heartfelt purpose.

Having qualified as a Clinical Hypnotherapist & Psychotherapist in the year 2000 at the Irish School of Ethical and Analytical Hypnotherapy and the Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy / ICHP Ireland, he opened a clinic in Cork, Ireland. He feels fortunate for the years he spent practising Hypnotherapy in his clinic in Ireland and today he is thrilled to be practising in Paris at the MAPARENTHESE wellness centre, as well as online.

He has also been practising Buddhism and Mindfulness for many years.

He looks forward to meeting you and to helping you on your journey to building a happier life with confidence and peace of mind.


Consultation : Clinical Hypnotherapy

Reasons why you may wish to consult...

Hypnotherapy can help you with :

- Increased self-confidence,
- the ability to feel comfortable in social and professional situations,
- freedom from anxiety, fears and phobias,
- reinforced self-belief,
- freedom from uncomfortable or negative behaviours, habits, emotions or limiting beliefs,
- the capacity to live your life with renewed peace-of-mind and self-love,
- relaxation,
- improved sleep patterns...

George believes in your capacity for positive change. Hypnosis is a natural tool that can help you to gain access to your subconscious mind to achieve that change. George can guide you into that trance state, with care and understanding, so as to help you release the root cause of your symptom, positively reset your subconscious mind and live a freer life with increased fulfilment and inner peace.

The course of a typical session

Session N°1 is a pre-talk consultation of about 45 minutes and is free of charge. During this consultation, you can discuss with George the difficulties or symptoms you are experiencing. This will also include some tests to give you an idea of how your subconscious mind can help you and to reassure you that hypnosis is indeed a very natural, comfortable and relaxing feeling, much akin to a daydream state. George will then suggest the therapeutic path he thinks you should follow. Following your agreement, you and George can arrange your first hypnotherapy session appointment.

During your first 1-hour hypnosis session, adapted to the needs you have expressed, you are guided towards identifying the causes or triggers of the presenting problem or symptom. New, positive suggestions are also given on a subconscious level, that you, yourself choose and accept as being beneficial for you. The objective is to clear up and release negative past emotions linked to your presenting symptom, to then positively reprogramme your subconscious mind, to relieve the symptom (for example a fear or phobia, anxiety, depression, negative emotion or limiting belief etc.), and replace it with peace-of-mind, and renewed calm and confidence.

Subsequent sessions will be arranged as required.

Fee (1h) : 90 euros (incl. VAT)

Patient testimonials

« I was struggling with low self-esteem for years. Thanks to George I feel confident now. It has changed my entire life in just a few sessions »

« I am very thankful for the experience and would recommend  George. Thank you for everything! »

Make an appointment with George